Thursday, March 25, 2010

New pendants

Just posting  new photos I took today of a few pendants I fired yesterday.  Fired again today, can't wait till tomorow morning, to open the kiln, and see the results.  I had a few pendants that I wasn't satisfied with the glaze results, so I re-glazed and fired again. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

News from Violette Station Studio

Sorry for the delay in posting. Lots to do. New photos added from last firing. Some were O.K., others not so good. Lots to learn.
I received my new torch and supplies for glass bead making. Can't wait to try it out. Hubby will set the torch to my table this week-end. Then it's practice time. I started with a HotHead torch for now. Cheapper. Then if I like doing this, I'll move on to a oxy-propane one. Cheers.